
A PL/Java Wrapper on Ark-Tweet-NLP ( - Twitter Parts-of-speech tagger in Postgres/Greenplum

Parts-of-speech tagging for Twitter via SQL

gp-ark-tweet-nlp is a PL/Java Wrapper for Ark-Tweet-NLP - a state-of-the-art parts-of-speech tagger for Twitter. This package enables you to perform part-of-speech tagging on Tweets, using SQL. If your environment is an MPP system like Pivotal's Greenplum Database you can piggyback on the MPP architecture and achieve implicit parallelism in your part-of-speech tagging tasks.


To be able to use the PL/Java wrapper you'll need to ensure some pre-requisites are satisfied in your environment.

1. Ensure PL/Java is installed and it works

--Install PL/Java

-- Define function mapping
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS getsysprop(varchar);
CREATE FUNCTION getsysprop(varchar) 
     RETURNS varchar
LANGUAGE pljava;

--Invoke function
SELECT getsysprop('user.home');

2. Ensure JAVA_HOME is set on all hosts

As root run the following

  1. gpssh into all hosts

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpssh -f <hostfile> ;
  2. In the gpssh prompt, run the following:

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24" >> /home/gpadmin/.bashrc

3. Prepare the Greenplum/Postgres Environment to talk to our PL/Java wrapper

  1. Copy the Libraries: The packaged jar file gp-ark-tweet-nlp.jar that located in the folder build/

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpscp -f <hostfile> gp-ark-tweet-nlp.jar =:/usr/local/greenplum-db/lib/postgresql/java/
    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpscp -f <hostfile> ark-tweet-nlp-0.3.2.jar =:/usr/local/greenplum-db/lib/postgresql/java/
  2. Update the CLASSPATH for PL/Java so that it can find our libraries

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpconfig -c pljava_classpath -v \'gp-ark-tweet-nlp.jar:ark-tweet-nlp-0.3.2.jar:examples.jar\'
  3. To increase memory available to PL/Java run the following commands on the Master Segment

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpconfig -c pljava_vmoptions -v \'-Xmx512M\' 
    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpstop -r
  4. Ensure the options have taken effect

    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpconfig --show pljava_vmoptions
    Values on all segments are consistent
    GUC          : pljava_vmoptions
    Master  value: -Xmx512M
    Segment value: -Xmx512M
    [gpadmin@mdw ~]$ 

You are now set to run the part-of-speech tagger in SQL by defining a User Defined Function to invoke the PL/Java wrapper and a User Defined Type to define the type of the returned result.


  1. We'll first declare a UDT to define the type of the result return by our part-of-speech tagger

    -- Define a type to hold [tweet_id, token_index, token, tag] items
    DROP TYPE IF EXISTS token_tag;
    CREATE TYPE token_tag
    indx int, 
    token text,
    tag text
  2. We'll then declare a UDF to invoke the PL/Java wrapper

    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS posdemo.tag_pos(varchar);
    CREATE FUNCTION posdemo.tag_pos(varchar)
    RETURNS SETOF token_tag

    Note the use of javau instead of just java in the UDF. This is because we are using the untrusted version of PL/Java as the part-of-speech tagger has to read a model file from within gp-ark-tweet-nlp.jar Without the untrusted language, we will encounter a java.lang.SecurityException when the code tries to read the model file embedded in gp-ark-tweet-nlp.jar.

  3. Finally we can invoke the parts-of-speech tagger on a table containing a tweet column like so:

vatsandb=# \d+ posdemo.training_data
                        Table "sentidemo.training_data"
   Column   |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Description 
 rating     | integer                     |           | plain    | 
 id         | bigint                      |           | plain    | 
 ts         | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    | 
 query      | text                        |           | extended | 
 poster     | text                        |           | extended | 
 tweet_body | text                        |           | extended | 
Has OIDs: no
Distributed by: (id)

Here are some sample rows from the table

vatsandb=# select id, tweet_body from sentidemo.training_data limit 10;
     id     |                                                                tweet_body                                                                 
 1467820906 | @localtweeps Wow, tons of replies from you, may have to unfollow so I can see my friends' tweets, you're scrolling the feed a lot. 
 1467862806 | @MySteezRadio I'm goin' to follow u, since u didn't  LOL  GO ANGELS!
 1467891880 | Argh! I was suuuper sleepy an hour ago, now I'm wide awake.  Hope I don't stay up all night. :-/
 1467896211 | michigan state you make me sad 
 1467911846 | @bananaface IM SORRY I GOT YOU SICK.  lol. going to bed too. NIGHT!
 1467962634 | Im in the mood for some chocolate. I want..... Miniature Reeses cups. Now 
 1467979881 | @redvinylgirl my mom has it. I wish you the best of luck 
 1467987712 | Change of plans, we ordered Macs instead. Time to hit the books! 
 1467996032 | Funny how the little things make me homesick, criminals breakn n2 a brownstone on LawNOrd CI made me misty 
 1468000208 | Man... taxes suck.  I'm horrified that i did something wrong on them.  TurboTax decided to keep around a lot of the stuff I turned off.  
(10 rows)

Time: 329.507 ms

Now we can perform parts-of-speech tagging of the tweets

select id, 
    select id, 
           posdemo.tag_pos(tweet_body) as t
    from posdemo.training_data
) q

Which returns (limitng to 10 rows for sampel output)

     id     | indx |  token   | tag 
 1467810672 |    0 | is       | V
 1467810672 |    1 | upset    | A
 1467810672 |    2 | that     | P
 1467810672 |    3 | he       | O
 1467810672 |    4 | can't    | V
 1467810672 |    5 | update   | V
 1467810672 |    6 | his      | D
 1467810672 |    7 | Facebook | ^
 1467810672 |    8 | by       | P
 1467810672 |    9 | texting  | V
(10 rows)


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